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What is Li-Ft?

Li-Ft is a pigment lightening solution that safely facilitates the removal of unwanted pigment from the face and body. Li-Ft is formulated with the highest quality ingredients, resulting in a skin-appropriate lightening product with an objective of minimum sessions for success. It is a non acid, high salt based solution which also combines the power of orange seed and lemon seed as well as other natural ingredients including Aloe Vera making it safe to use for all permanent makeup procedures including eyeliner.

Removal FAQ's

How long does the treatment take?

You can expect an average PMU treatment to take around 1 hour. For larger body tattoos up to 5cm2 the treatment would take around 90 minutes to 2 hours.


Will the removal solution stay in my body?

It is very unlikely. The Li-Ft will be pushed from the body upwards, along with the pigment during the healing process. It is designed to attract the pigments and lift it from the skin via the epidermis. It is not designed to camouflage or replace pigment.


Is the treatment suitable for me?

A thorough consultation will always take place prior to any treatment. The procedure is very similar to the initial treatment and so the skin will react in a very similar way. Darker skin types are more at risk of scarring and it may not be recommended for these clients.


How many sessions will I need?

This will depend on whether you are trying to lighten/fade an existing tattoo or completely remove, along with additional factors. Black carbon based pigments will lift the easiest, whilst titanium dioxide particles are much larger and will require more sessions. On average you should expect to have between 1-4 sessions. Some clients will require more depending on the saturation and amount of pigment in the skin.


What colours can be removed with this system?

Li-Ft is not colour selective unlike laser removal, and will remove all colours in the same way.


How long will I need to wait in between sessions?

All further treatments must be left for a minimum of 8 weeks to allow the skin to fully heal.


How soon will I see the results?

As soon as the crust comes away it will take the unwanted pigment with it and the results will be visible. This is usually around 10-14 days. It is not unusual for the results to look darker at first. This is due to the 'lifting' process drawing pigment to the surface by osmotic pressure.


Can I have this if I have had laser?

This may depend on the amount of laser sessions and the condition of the skin, however you must still wait a minimum of 8 weeks following a laser treatment if you choose to go ahead. Laser can cause chemical changes in the pigments and dermal scarring which may effect the results from a Li-Ft removal and further tattooing procedures. Many Li-Ft procedures have been successful on areas where laser has not.


Does Li-Ft work in the same way as a laser?

No. A laser uses wavelengths of light which disperse the pigment particles, pushing them deeper into the skin therefore allowing them to enter the bodies natural removal via the lymphatic system. Li-Ft works in the complete opposite way by drawing pigment particles upwards and exiting through the skin.


Does it hurt?

You should feel a similar sensation to that of your original PMU/tattoo. You can apply a topical anaesthetic beforehand to make the procedure more comfortable.


What does it look like after?

Following your treatment the skin may look red and inflamed. Swelling can be common but should subside within a day or so. The area will begin to scab. This lasts around 10-14 days on average. Once the scabs come away the skin may look pink for a few weeks.





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